Coaching Call – How $47 Can Make You Money and Win a Sale

Ever get stuck? Have a opportunity that just won’t close or you need some advice on? Here is an inexpensive and effective answer:

A Coaching Call with a mentor that is guaranteed to get you results or you don’t pay a penny!

Salespeople call me many reasons, I will list the top 3.

  1. To make more money.
  2. To gain greater confidence.
  3. To reinvent their business, career or both.

Is a more profitable business what you seek? Can you make it through a tough negotiation without giving away your margins and your commissions? Do you need to boost up your funnel or learn the most effective way to close your prospects? Want answers? Call me and see what just a little bit of good coaching can do for you. One call is only $47 and you will get at least one idea that will make you money.

Are you ready? Move forward to a bigger commission check instead of wandering about or letting the prospect determine the size of your paycheck.

It is time, call me to get moving forward, faster.

$47 Coaching Calls are 100%

In the online world these days, you can’t always be sure of the value and quality of products. We understand that so…

If for any reason this Coaching Call doesn’t work out for you…if you don’t get at least one actionable idea or believe that you were helped…

All you have to do is let us know we will promtly refund all your money.

No questions, no hassles – it’s that simple.

Russ Emrick