June 21, 2009
Breakout Selling Home Study
Breakout Selling has taken the best of our yearly bootcamps and put together a course to help salespeople achieve their goals. The course is not quite ready yet. I’ve been working on a new book called “Making leads” and it will be available on Amazon in October. However I’ve taken out the most important parts and created a quick start sales guide for salespeople and business owners that need more customers to sell to. You can find out more by clicking on the button below.
Would You Like to Double Your Leads and Opportunities in 26 Days?
- Is your pipeline full or are you being hammered to find more opportunities?
- Do you chase after every deal working with people that you can’t stand because you need the business?
- Are your manager’s phone calls pleasant or full of haranguing to do more cold calling and prospecting?
- Are you satisfied with your income and sales results?
- Are you happy as a professional salesperson or burning out from overwork and stress?
If not having enough people to sell too I have a very limited time offer that will get you more leads and opportunities in only 26 days. Just click the button below to find out more.